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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19930
This Months Entries: 21
My Total Entries: 0
My Entries this Month: 0
Most Active Members:
squiz (14 entries)
maker (7 entries)
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squiz (Stoke Factor: 48 )
maker (Stoke Factor: 25 )

Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: col123

Member#: 405
Registered: 16-10-2003
Diary Entries: 112

Mood: who needs wind anyway
17th June 2004
Kite surfing: ynyslas
Wind Direction: w
Wind Stength: 20/25knts
Surf / Sea State: choppy
Air Temperature: ok
Sea Temperature: ok
Weather: overcast
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

yeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaa...well flexifoil have done it again the storm3 12m is super quick ..powers there when you want it if you hit a lull or cock up a trick , a quick flick of the kite and it just goes and goes super smooth but fast acceleration, you can over sheet and the power comes of nicely .

bar system is good although a longer lock in tube would be nice,
ive just been out almost 6 hours non stop going over to dovey at warp speed using a 140 board and the 12 storm 3 at maximum power,,superb..15 stars today
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